AnyCAD Rapid API 2024
Help you to create a better world!
RenderSettings类 参考

Public 成员函数

String GetId ()
float GetGammaFactor ()
void SetGammaFactor (float val)
boolean GetGammaOutput ()
void SetGammaOutput (boolean val)
boolean GetGammaInput ()
void SetGammaInput (boolean val)
EnumEncoding GetOutputEncoding ()
void SetOutputEncoding (EnumEncoding val)
boolean GetSupportsVertexTextures ()
void SetSupportsVertexTextures (boolean val)
boolean GetFloatVertexTextures ()
void SetFloatVertexTextures (boolean val)
long GetMaxVertexUniforms ()
void SetMaxVertexUniforms (long val)
boolean GetLogarithmicDepthBuffer ()
void SetLogarithmicDepthBuffer (boolean val)
boolean GetFog ()
void SetFog (boolean val)
boolean GetFogExp2 ()
void SetFogExp2 (boolean val)
boolean GetShadowMapEnabled ()
void SetShadowMapEnabled (boolean val)
EnumShadowMapType GetShadowMapType ()
void SetShadowMapType (EnumShadowMapType val)
boolean GetContactShadow ()
void SetContactShadow (boolean val)
float GetContactShadowBlur ()
void SetContactShadowBlur (float val)
float GetContactShadowZ ()
void SetContactShadowZ (float val)
boolean GetPhysicallyCorrectLights ()
void SetPhysicallyCorrectLights (boolean val)
EnumToneMapping GetToneMapping ()
void SetToneMapping (EnumToneMapping val)
float GetToneMappingExposure ()
void SetToneMappingExposure (float val)
long GetDiretionalLightCount ()
void SetDiretionalLightCount (long val)
long GetDiretionalLightShadowCount ()
void SetDiretionalLightShadowCount (long val)
boolean GetHemisphereLight ()
void SetHemisphereLight (boolean val)
long GetClippingPlanesNum ()
void SetClippingPlanesNum (long val)
long GetClippingIntersection ()
void SetClippingIntersection (long val)


<> The settings