AnyCAD Rapid API 2024
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BasicMaterial类 参考
类 BasicMaterial 继承关系图:
MaterialInstance GfxObject

Public 成员函数

void SetMorphTargets (boolean val)
boolean GetMorphTargets ()
void SetColorMap (Texture map)
Texture GetColorMap ()
boolean GetBillboard ()
void SetBillboard (boolean bEnabled)
- Public 成员函数 继承自 MaterialInstance
String GetName ()
void SetName (String val)
long GetHashCodeId ()
MaterialTemplate GetTemplate ()
long GetUpdateVersion ()
short GetLineWidth ()
void SetLineWidth (short val)
boolean GetDepthTest ()
void SetDepthTest (boolean val)
boolean GetDepthWrite ()
void SetDepthWrite (boolean val)
UniformSet GetUniforms ()
EnumBlendingMode GetBlending ()
void SetBlending (EnumBlendingMode val)
float GetRenderOrder ()
void SetRenderOrder (float val)
void SetColor (Vector3 val)
Vector3 GetColor ()
void SetOpacity (float val)
float GetOpacity ()
void SetAlphaTest (float val)
float GetAlphaTest ()
void SetFaceSide (EnumFaceSide val)
EnumFaceSide GetFaceSide ()
void SetVertexColors (boolean val)
boolean GetVertexColors ()
void SetVertexColors4 (boolean val)
boolean GetVertexColors4 ()
void SetRGB (short r, short g, short b)
void SetColor (float r, float g, float b)
void SetColorByRGB (float r, float g, float b)
void SetColorByVec3 (Vector3 v)
void SetTransparent (boolean enabled)
boolean GetTransparent ()
boolean GetReceiveShadow ()
boolean GetStatic ()
long GetMorphTargetCount ()
void SetFixedSize (boolean fixedSize)
boolean IsFixedSize ()
void RequestUpdate ()
void ComputeHashCode ()
void AddDefine (String key, String value)
void AddTexture (String name, Texture texture)
Texture GetTexture (String name)
void SetUniform (String name, boolean val)
void SetUniform (String name, int val)
void SetUniform (String name, EnumTextureUnit val)
void SetUniform (String name, float val)
void SetUniform (String name, Vector2 val)
void SetUniform (String name, Vector3 val)
void SetUniform (String name, Vector4 val)
void SetUniform (String name, Matrix3 val)
void SetUniform (String name, Matrix4 val)
void SetUniform (String name, Matrix2 val)
void SetUniformBool (String name, boolean val)
void SetUniformInt (String name, int val)
void SetUniformTextureUnit (String name, EnumTextureUnit val)
void SetUniformFloat (String name, float val)
void SetUniformVec2 (String name, Vector2 val)
void SetUniformVec3 (String name, Vector3 val)
void SetUniformVec4 (String name, Vector4 val)
void SetUniformMat2 (String name, Matrix2 val)
void SetUniformMat3 (String name, Matrix3 val)
void SetUniformMat4 (String name, Matrix4 val)
- Public 成员函数 继承自 GfxObject
long GetUuid ()

静态 Public 成员函数

static BasicMaterial Cast (GfxObject obj)
static BasicMaterial Create (String templateName)


<> The basic material


◆ Cast()

static BasicMaterial BasicMaterial.Cast ( GfxObject obj)

重载 MaterialInstance .